Welcome to Cutiebread, the source of Good Energy!

Baked goods are reinvented here and I invite you to rethink them. 

Imagine, instead of eating a sugary treat, savoring a meticulously sliced Cutiebread bite by bite. 

Imagine, instead of grabbing a bag of chips, enjoying a Cutiebread and feel its goodness slowly entering your body and soul.

Instead of gobbling up white bread, nourishing yourself with wholesome Cutiebread. 

Now ask yourself: how would you like to leave this Earth?
Fulfilled or unfulfilled, healthy or sick?

If you need help to unlock your full potential and live healthily, I am here to share my good energy with you and coach you out of your “rabbit hole”.

The Story behind the Brand

“Bread roll”, this is the translation of the German word “Brötchen”. “Really?”, I thought, when I started my search for edible food in the new country to which I followed my husband. Unlike other languages which use the adjective “small” (“petit pain” in French, “xiao mian bao” in Chinese) or a suffix which stands for small (Bröt-CHEN in German or pan-CITO in Spanish) the English language associates “roll” with a small sized bread. 

As you can imagine, I never liked this word. So, when I was looking for a name for my home bakery which specializes in wholesome, organic, gluten free and vegan bread rolls and treats, I just followed my logic and searched for a word that means “small”. 

My 7-year-old daughter served me as my first inspiration. “Ooohh, she is so cute,” “Cutie pie”, Hey, Cutie”: Wherever we took her, people around us would brighten up and exclaim all the previous mentioned attributes. One time at her Jiujutsu class a woman watching the kids, said to me: “Wow, your daughter is tiny but mighty!” Thus, the brand name was found! 

“Cutiebread – tiny But mighty”.

Be bold and stand up for your health! 

Yours, Thuly